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Nazarene Missions International (NMI) is the organization responsible for engaging and mobilizing the local church to engage in missions in the Church of the Nazarene and is the denomination’s representative for missions on the district and in the local church. 


NMI fulfils its mission by mobilizing support for missions and missionaries through prayer, giving, educating and engaging youth and children in missions. 


NMI focuses on six main areas of impact: Prayer, World Evangelism Fund, Alabaster, Children and Youth, Care and Connection and Genesis.

Image by Pedro Lima

Prayer is essential and strategic for the work of global evangelization. The Great Commission can be fulfilled as the people of God intercede and the churches become houses of prayer for all nations, NMI is at the forefront of encouraging Nazarenes to pray for the global mission.

World Evangelism Fund

The Fund for World Evangelism - WEF is an opportunity to support the missionary work of the Church of the Nazarene—to make Christlike disciples in the nations. Giving reminds us that we are part of God's mission around the world. 

Image by William Navarro
Image by Jeriden Villegas


The Alabaster Fund is used to construct churches, schools, hospitals, missionary retirement homes etc. across the world.

Children and Youth

Did you know that NMI is committed to involving children in the mission of the church? Children are more likely to hear God's call to full-time ministry (Missionaries, ministers etc) between the ages of 4 to 14 years.


There is no better way for young people to learn about missions,  than  to  get  involved.

Image by Zach Vessels
Image by Chris Montgomery

For many churches, Care and Connection (formerly Links) is an opportunity to connect with a missionary family and show love to them through tangible and intangible gifts.


For the missionaries, Care and Connection helps our missionaries feel loved, knowing that a District is thinking about them.

A regional initiative, Genesis involves 2 year mission trips to 28 places in the Mesoamerica Region to begin ministries and churches. In 24 of those areas, the church is present, but must be strengthened because they are urban areas.

Image by Max Bender
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